Friday, August 31, 2012

Expressive 3D Forms Guidelines

This is my first assignment for 3D Design. Once I complete the assignment I will be posting the five things below suggested for the blog. 
Using only the materials listed below, make four, small scale sculptures.

The content and meaning of each form will reflect your interpretation from the following list (select four words - one for each sculpture): calm, sad, hopeful, angry, ambiguous, determined, old, dubious, chaotic, stoic, voyeurism, memorial, dangerous.

Avoid conventions and symbols. Do not use text.  Utilize both the interior and exterior of each form. Each form should fit in your hand. You do not have to use all materials for each form.

Materials: Balsa wood, mask tape, clear tape, straight pins, wood glue.  You can cut balsa wood with a utility knife.

What to put on the blog:
1. Images of your work in process.
2. Any notes or sketches that you did for this assignment (optional).
3. Professional images of each sculpture - at least two different shots for each one. Photograph separately.
4. A description for each sculpture.  Discuss your intentions, process and reflect on your final solution.
5. The three drawings you completed in your sketchbook.